SCIPROM has moved!

SCIPROM has moved !

On Friday October 19th 2007 SCIPROM has moved to its new headquarters in St-Sulpice, a charming village on lake Geneva, in very close proximity to EPFL and UNIL.

The decision to expand, leave the EPFL Science Parc and move to larger and more suitable offices has been taken after the good results obtained during the year 2007 and the consequent hiring of new project managers.
SCIPROM is now managing 9 FP6 projects (1 IP, several STREPs, coordination actions and a Marie-Curie action) and is involved in the negotiations of two FP7 projects to be started in Spring 2008. We can now count on 8 people as permanent staff.

Our new address is:

Rue du Centre 70
CH-1025 St Sulpice.

Our new phone switchboard is +41 21 694 04 10.

We will be happy to welcome you in our new office!